Hello Everyone! It's been a while (once again) (o:
Been in serious production mode for the past couple of months - also moved into my new studio at AKIN Collective. Not sure if I mentioned this already - can't brain - got the dumb right now.

Anyhoo - Up to my eyeballs in Holiday sale madness right now....it all started in early November and will continue to December 21st. I've posted my list of events in a previous blog - there have been some minor changes to my agenda though so will repost this info shortly

In other news - some new, great pieces came out of the kiln yesterday....perfect for gift giving, or to enhance your own home decor. More images to follow soon.
Okay - time for sleep now....tomorrow I'm at the Mondo Bazaar, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto. Looking forward to this show....it will definitely be fun!